Monday, April 22, 2013

Mr. Pickles Fan Club

The end of my semester was capped off on a good note with the opening of Gemma Correll's very first Canadian exhibition at, where else than the most suitable of places, Magic Pony! Gemma Correll has to be one of the first illustrators I've admired, back while I was still in high school. If you're not sure who I'm speaking of, Correll is probably most commonly known for her "Pugs Not Drugs" illustration which has been made into t-shirts found at Urban Outfitters. Besides this she is recognized for all things pugs and her illustrations created in combination of comedy and cuteness. It must be fun (and convenient) when you have your very own pug life models, her dogs Norman & Bella Pickles.

The exhibit, The Mr. Pickles Fan Club, is a highlight of Gemma's pug works ranging from drawings to flip flops (I'm being serious). All the merchandise featured in the show are for sale. Hazel and I had the opportunity of swinging by Magic Pony while Gemma was doing her book signing, so without further ado, here is a glimpse of the exhibit's opening night:

Hang in There (Pug edition) $10

I really admire Gemma for taking up embroidery. As an illustration student gone textile student, I think it's a neat marry between the two fields. I recently learned how to embroider like this on a hoop over the semester and boy, is it finicky.

Of course all pugs were welcome to the event.

Upon arrival at Magic Pony there were a few snacks like pretzels and Goldfish to nibble on, but later on came the good stuff  Mr. Pickles red velvet cupcakes. Adorable, delicious, no other words.

On top of signing a poster for me, Gemma was nice enough to sign a page of my sketchbook. She was such a sweetheart!

Had enough of pugs yet? No? Check out The Mr. Pickles Fan Club exhibit running from now until May 11th at Magic Pony. For more information visit Magic Pony's website under 'Events' or the Facebook event page here.

1 comment:

Eva said...

Such sweet illustrations! Great post. X