Sunday, March 18, 2012

wishlist tumblr

Close to my birthday last November I created a "wishlist tumblr" to aid my friends in the gift-searching game. And although both my birthday and Christmas have passed, and any other gift-giving holiday, I've still been quietly adding to the list. It's become quite a fun little past time of mine, similar to those wishlist collages I used to make. So like those collages, I figured I'd share this with you all. This blog can be accessed at (the url name was in response to my friend's wishlist tumblr named 'greenhippopotamuses'). Bare in mind that this is my very own "want" catalogue with no regard for prices or attainability. You'll notice that the tagline description reads "Everything is expensive". It's true.

Here are just a few snapshots of pages from my wishlist blog.

For future reference, I'll be adding this site to the "find me elsewhere" section on the right sidebar of this blog.

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