Friday, March 11, 2011

here I go!

Here I am, just hours away from boarding that plane to Europe. I actually have one more sleep to go before the big day and I haven't even finished packing. I'm running so low on time that I've resorted to using someone else's photo. This photo was taken by ornithes, otherwise known as Annabel from blushing ambition. She is the girl behind one of my favourite blogs. I hope to take a photo like this over the clouds while we're flying. I'm crossing my fingers we'll be over the clouds during a sunrise or sunset. I still can't even fathom that I'm going to Europe tomorrow! I guess it'll all start to kick in while I'm on the plane, in the air, or arriving in Europe. But alas, I must let go of my blog for a little while. I promise that when I return I will have a plethora of posts for you! I plan on taking plenty of photos in Europe. Goodbye, my lovelies! See you when I get back.
